SuperLauncher Farm - Smart Contract Audit Report


SuperLauncher Finance Audit Report SuperLauncher has built a launchpad for projects on the Binance Smart Chain to launch in a safe, trusted, and decentralized manner.

For this audit, we analyzed SuperLauncher's upcoming Farm contract. We reviewed the team's code at commit b9f2cbe175723747f604d6f59a55dc68bb79ef5c on GitHub.

Notes on the Contract:
  • Users can stake LP tokens into the Farm contract into order to earn tokens selected by the team on a per-pool basis.
  • There are no deposit or withdraw fees associated with using the contract.
  • The project team will set the reward rates upon deployment.
  • Users' rewards will automatically be claimed upon unstaking from the contract.
  • Alternativley, users can claim only their rewards without unstaking by withdrawing 0 from the contract.
  • An emergencyWithdraw function exists in case of an issue with the contract or an absence of sufficient rewards.
  • The team has the ability to withdraw the reward tokens from the contract, as well as stop rewards from accruing.
  • SafeMath as well as Solidity 0.8.x is used across all contracts to prevent overflows. Additionally, SafeERC20 is used to ensure safe token transfers.

  • Audit Findings Summary:
    • No security issues from outside attackers were identified.
    • Ensure trust in the team as they have some control over rewards.
    • Date: June 27th, 2021

    Combined External Threat Results

    Vulnerability CategoryNotesResult
    Arbitrary Storage WriteN/APASS
    Arbitrary JumpN/APASS
    Delegate Call to Untrusted ContractN/APASS
    Dependence on Predictable VariablesN/APASS
    Deprecated OpcodesN/APASS
    Ether ThiefN/APASS
    External CallsN/APASS
    Integer Over/UnderflowN/APASS
    Multiple SendsN/APASS
    State Change External CallsN/APASS
    Unchecked RetvalN/APASS
    User Supplied AssertionN/APASS
    Critical Solidity CompilerN/APASS
    Overall Contract Safety PASS

    Inheritence Chart

    Smart Contract Inheritance

    Function Graph

    Smart Contract Graph

    Functions Overview

     ($) = payable function
     # = non-constant function
     Int = Internal
     Ext = External
     Pub = Public
     +  Context 
        - [Int] _msgSender
        - [Int] _msgData
     +  Ownable (Context)
        - [Pub]  #
        - [Pub] owner
        - [Pub] renounceOwnership #
           - modifiers: onlyOwner
        - [Pub] transferOwnership #
           - modifiers: onlyOwner
     + [Lib] SafeMath 
        - [Int] tryAdd
        - [Int] trySub
        - [Int] tryMul
        - [Int] tryDiv
        - [Int] tryMod
        - [Int] add
        - [Int] sub
        - [Int] mul
        - [Int] div
        - [Int] mod
        - [Int] sub
        - [Int] div
        - [Int] mod
     + [Int] IERC20 
        - [Ext] totalSupply
        - [Ext] balanceOf
        - [Ext] transfer #
        - [Ext] allowance
        - [Ext] approve #
        - [Ext] transferFrom #
     + [Lib] Address 
        - [Int] isContract
        - [Int] sendValue #
        - [Int] functionCall #
        - [Int] functionCall #
        - [Int] functionCallWithValue #
        - [Int] functionCallWithValue #
        - [Int] functionStaticCall
        - [Int] functionStaticCall
        - [Int] functionDelegateCall #
        - [Int] functionDelegateCall #
        - [Prv] _verifyCallResult
     + [Lib] SafeERC20 
        - [Int] safeTransfer #
        - [Int] safeTransferFrom #
        - [Int] safeApprove #
        - [Int] safeIncreaseAllowance #
        - [Int] safeDecreaseAllowance #
        - [Prv] _callOptionalReturn #
     +  SuperFarm (Ownable)
        - [Pub]  #
        - [Pub] getElapsedBlockSinceUpdate
        - [Ext] pendingReward
        - [Pub] updatePool #
        - [Ext] deposit #
        - [Ext] withdraw #
        - [Ext] stopReward #
           - modifiers: onlyOwner
        - [Ext] emergencyWithdraw #
        - [Ext] emergencyRewardWithdraw #
           - modifiers: onlyOwner